
Welcome to dustinian.com. This is a place where I share personal projects. And, frankly, a place where I can play with HTML5 and CSS3.

  • Software: I'm just programmer enough to automate many functions at work in VBA. Every so often, I'll write something for fun at home. When I do that, I share it here.
  • About: All about me!
  • Role-Playing Games: I DM a small gaming group once a month. But I listen to podcasts and pour over books every chance I get. Here I share projects related to that hobby.
  • Crafts: Here are crafts and props that I do for my tabletop games.
  • Prototypes: Here are prototypes that I'm working on; usually these are just HTML with some JavaScript.
  • Minis: Minis that I've painted!

©2013-04-27 Dustinian, dustinian.com.